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Showing 7 - 9 of 3639 results.
  • What are the things to consider before buying a car from a dealer?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Setting you budget is the first step, followed by considering all financing options, a test drive, neat negotiation, and the willingness to walk away from a bad deal for a good car.
  • Are electric cars affordable?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    When it comes to electric cars, you should make a note that they are more expensive than the regular vehicles that are available in the market. Though they come at a higher price, maintaining electric cars can save your money as fuel consumption cost cuts down 2 to 3%. In other ways, electric cars can prove to be the affordable new cars on a differ
  • How long will a full battery charge last?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Fully-charged batteries can be expected to hold a charge for several hours, with a potential range of approximately 10 to 20 miles. But, there are additional factors that impact the length of time a battery will sustain its power. Type of batteries installed: Sealed, lead acid batteries are preferable. Age of batteries: Batteries over 18 months old