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  • Is it more energy efficient for the air conditioner to come on for short bursts of cooling (running for five to seven minutes at a time) or to come on and stay on for longer periods? How about the wear and tear on the unit as well?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A heat pump's job is two-fold. Not only does it remove the heat from your home, it also must remove the moisture from the inside air in order for you to feel comfortable. When the unit first turns on, it will take about seven to 10 minutes for the unit to get to its peak efficiency and remove the moisture from your home. By allowing a unit to
  • To save on cooling costs, is it recommended to shut the air-conditioner vents in rooms that are unused and closed?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If designed correctly, the air delivery system in your house has been sized according to the flow requirements of the unit and each room. Closing off vents can create a pressure imbalance within the system that can reduce the effectiveness of your cooling system. By closing off registers, the increased pressure within the ducts can also cause incre
  • How often should one have maintenance done on air conditioner?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    You should have maintenance done on your air conditioning system at least once a year – spring to early summer being the best times. This not only ensures maximum efficiency, it enables us to foresee any possible problems that may occur in the near future.