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Showing 1 - 3 of 129 results.
  • Will WallPops work on textured walls or wallpaper?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    WallPops work best on smooth, flat surfaces. However, WallPops can still be successful on textured walls if they are not excessively porous or uneven. We have had people write to us that they had success with WallPops on all different types of surfaces. They will stick best to painted surfaces, so if you are trying to stick WallPops to knock-down t
  • I have a huge blank wall in my living room. How can I decorate it easily?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Put some 'brick wall' interiors. But it is not possible to say if it will suit your room without any pictures of it. One of the easiest ways to decorate a wall is to paint it creatively or put some wallpapers on. You can also paint in some dark shade and hang photo frames there. It reminds you of the best time of your life with your family and frie
  • Am I allowed to decorate the apartment without penalty?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Most leases stipulate that when you move out, the apartment must be restored to the same condition you got it in. And some landlords actually have a clause in the lease that says you need their written permission before painting or decorating. Putting up wallpaper, driving nails into the walls, hanging artwork all of that might need to be pre-appro